How to: Repairing Cracked Wood

While looking for vintage and antique items for our altar sets and spell kits, we love finding pieces with small flaws or easily repairable damage. In the case of the 1920s Art Deco box in our City Witch altar set, the bottom had cracked and begun separating from the sides.

To repair this damage, Michael first cleaned the area and thinned some wood glue with water. After filling a syringe with the mixture, he inserted some into the damaged area. After cleaning off the excess, he squeeze-clamped the box while it dried overnight.

While the crack is still visible, the box is no longer in danger of separating and falling apart. Simple repairs like this give new life to beautiful objects that have seen so much history. We hope you find some items you love among our offerings.

Look for more about repairs we've made, how-to guides, and the history of different items as this blog grows. Thanks for reading!

Amanda King

Amanda has worked for nearly thirty years in website development content writing, graphic design, and project management. She has worked for non-profits as well as for-profit organizations, and companies with as few as five employees all the way up to corporate giants. Amanda understands how to suss out a client’s needs, their users’ needs, and develop and execute an effective plan for achieving those goals.

How to: Removing Wax from a Candle Holder